

Book 14: The Art of War

The Art of War has been called “the Swiss army knife of military theory.” According to Amazon, “Sun Tzu is thought to have been a military general and adviser to the king of the southern Chinese state of Wu during the sixth century BCE. Although some modern scholars have called his authorship into doubt, the world’s most influential and enduring treatise on military strategy, The Art of War, bears his name.” I’ve read that many executives, politicians, and other leaders recommend it.

Book 15: The Industries of the Future

I’m always looking to learn more about technology and the future. Alec Ross is considered a leading expert on innovation and serves as a Distinguished Senior Fellow at Johns Hopkins University. The Industries of the Future comes highly recommended from business leaders.

Book 16: The Grid

To celebrate Earth Day, I will be reading about an exciting topic recommended by Bill Gates: America’s energy grid. The grid is in need of repair, and as we forge ahead investing in new energy sources, it stands in our way. It is the most-purchased book in “Environmental Engineering” on Amazon, so you know it’ll be good.

Book 17: Thing Explainer: Complicated Stuff in Simple Words

Thing Explainer: Complicated Stuff in Simple Words is another book recommended by Bill Gates. It explains complex things like bridges, the International Space Station, and microwaves. I don’t know anything about any of those, and I’m excited to learn.

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